User Report 2 |
65歳の男性で、43年の継験を持つ歯科技工士。飲酒や喫煙は一切しない。慢性的な症状としては、血圧が少し高いため降下剤を服用しているが、そのほかはいたって健康。20年以上にわたってかなり本格的なジョギングを続けている。年1回はフルマラソンに参加し、LAマラソンやホノルルマラソンにも参加経験があるほどだ。また仕事柄、医療関係者の知人が多い。 |
Nov.19.2000 |
Dec.2.2000 |
Since a year ago, my atopic
dermatitis had become very bad. I consulted 6
doctors, but nothing was helped. Also, I had to
take stronger medicine, and it affected bad for
my liver function. Therefore, I tried to use Pi
Products (Bio Kyss Shower, Pi Seigen and Skin
Revitalizer). Then, the next day started using
Pi Produts, the atopic looked worse. However,
I was advised it is the reaction before it would
be better. So, I trusted and kept using. Then,
after 2-3 days, it was getting better, and two
weeks later, my skin was looked much nicer as
you see in the picture. I was so surprised, too.